Ever wonder how much power your TV, microwave, or cell charger uses, and how? All of us likes being lazy and that is why with newer technologies the designers keep coming up with products that do things for us smarter and faster. But they all consume more and more electricity and to keep all the gadgets running we have to keep generating more and more power. Have you ever wondered how much power your TV, microwave or cell charger uses and how much it costs you. Mostly you are not even aware but you only crib while paying the bill that the cost of power has gone up.
The Belkin Conserve Insight is a new easy to use monitor that will tell you how much power each of your electrical gadget is using. This white and green adapter plugs in the wall between the appliance and the outlet and a small screen on a tethered box tells you how much energy the attached device is consuming. It also indicates the monetary cost and the cost in terms of carbon or the credits required to offset it.
Once you become aware of all the costs you will realize that leaving all your equipment and appliances plugged in is not a good idea after all. Sure it makes life a little easier because you just pick up the remote and operate the appliance of your choice. The damage in the long run is huge. In order to conserve you must be aware and Belkin Conserve Insight can do it for you for just $30.
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