Google All Geared For The Launch Of Its Very Own Google Chrome Web Store The world of the Internet, as we knew it about a decade ago has undergone phenomenal changes and as the world around us gets more and more mobile, the same is the case with web. The onset of the smartphone revolution not only made communication that much easier, but its had a significant impact on the Internet as the entire web seemed to be collectively growing on smartphone devices. One such area is the mobile applications such as the ones for the Google Android, Apple iOS, Blackberry, Symbian etc. that provide the users with incredible tools to make their day to day activities that much easier, by enabling them to carry common everyday right from their mobile devices. Now, Google Inc., has announced its intentions of launching its very own application store in the month of October this year, by the name of Google Chrome Web Store. This all new online app store will enable the users to purchase some of the best applications designed and developed for their mobile devices. The Google Chrome Web Store's design is heavily influenced by the immensely popular Apple Apps Store, including the panels and the feature that portrays the top ranked apps on the right side of the screen. One of the salient differences between the Google App Store and the Apple App Store is that, the Google Store will be heavily focusing on gaming related applications.. |