There’s a lot of buzz about who is Erica Albright. The character played by the beautiful Rooney Mara (See: Rooney Mara and how she became the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo) is gaining a lot of attention for just being the ex of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
Yet the fame for Mara’s role as Albright may not stem from her incredible acting skills. It is more like people asking what happened to Albright? And more importantly, how could a girl like Albright let go of someone who would later become on of the Billionaires of United States of America?
Related Trendy News: The Social Network Review Erica Albright is She Real?
There is the possibility however that most of the story in the movie “the Social Network” may be fiction and that Erica Albright may not be real at all. Or if she is, her real name was not used in the movie for fear of legal actions.
Fame and Fake website and twitter account
Still some are trying to cash in on the fame of Zuckerberg’s alleged girlfriend. Already a website floated in the internet with the content
This is the OFFICIAL website for Erica Albright (Yes the Erica Albright who was dating Mark Zuckerberg the founder of the Social Networking website Facebook) — Please send a link to my website to just 7 of your friends! (: — Keep checking back often to see all of the updates! This Page will be updated often! Follow me on Twitter — Soon I will post REAL photos of me (I’m not as pretty as the girl who portrayed me in The Social Network movie). lolKeywords (this is for the search engines so please ignore this) (:erica albright. erica, albright, facebook, facebook girlfriend, facebook gf, mark zuckerberg, mark zuckerberg girlfriend, the social network girl
There is even an Erica Albright twitter account created October 1, 2010. Is this the real Erica Albright? A quick look Whois Domain Tools show the creator of the website

Whois Details of
Whoever Dave Desvousges is, he has a lot of guts making a website about Mark Zuckerberg’s alleged girlfriend. What do you think? Is for real?
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