“This will be my last post,” says Jennings. “To everyone who gave me a chance I’m forever indebted to you. I had a fantastic career for you. All I can say goodbye, I was honest. I do not disguise the word is not to keep one] part [of my life [you]. lived a hundred lives in these 6 years, so I would not only fail, I have no right to complain. I would like to think that I ‘ve changed lives, changed his, tho I can not be sure. But one thing I am sure God gives and takes in the measure. He just and forever. ”
Singer Lyfe Jennings was arrested in Atlanta back in 2008, after colliding with his ex-girlfriend Joy pond in which he struck the door of the house where she was, and shot off rounds of .40 caliber firearms on the street. 37-year-old disappeared from the scene leading police high speed chase in 2005 Chevy Corvette. He was later arrested and charged with possession of weapons offenses convicted felon trying to avoid the officers, discharging firearms near a highway and refusing to take a sobriety test.
Unfortunately, the recent return to the slammer is not a new event for his native Ohio. In 1992 he was convicted of arson and served 10 years for the Bard before his musical career. His last album “I Still Believe ‘stores during the summer.