Homecoming king and queen candidates are Travis Mallo, Elizabeth Campbell, Matt Merry, Alex Kaufman, Coty Thompson, Anne Epley Birtwistle, Kraling Molly, Jordan Flaherty, Andi Kaufman, Ryan Voves, Springer Whitney and Lincoln Vorbis.
Calendar of events:
• Monday is day of training with students dressing in clothes of training – sweats, jerseys and pajamas.
• On Tuesday is day mission control with the students showing their “rank” by color. He also serves as the spirit poster contest.
• Wednesday was suitable for Blast Off Day, with students dressing as their favorite character.
• Thursday is the day, the atmosphere in detail, with students dressing in strange combinations.
• Friday is Red and Black Day, with students wearing their school colors Mohawk.
A set of PEP will be held at 12:50 on Friday. The king and queen will be crowned back at the meeting.
Immediately after the coronation will be a parade of high school to the east of the park with a community meeting at the pep band shell.
The game Waukee homecoming will be held at 7:30 pm Friday at Mohawk Stadium.
Dance begins at 8:30 decoration Saturday in the Mason City High School cafeteria. Dance is 9:00 p.m. to 0:00 on Saturday.
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